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About the Album

Parallels, Dan Swift

Unlike previous albums, Parallels was spun up fairly quickly during the fall of 2023. Separating it from the storytelling or lore found in previous albums, the songs of Parallels are deeper and reflect the mirror images that tie components of our lives together. Similar in style to A Front Row Seat to a 2nd Life, the songs in this mixed-genre album have something relatable to any listener. Song concepts bundled together in this album include:

  • A piano ballad recognizing the difficulties of being away from someone for an extended period of time, only for the vast distance to be finally eliminated.
  • With all of the hype surrounding artificial intelligence, what happens when robots know everything. Do they become sentient or is it all part of their programming?
  • Struggles to stay on the right track and move forward. It's scary and can foster complacency. When you encounter a yellow light, do you drive through or hit the brakes?
  • When zooming out, it can be easy to see the parallels between our lives and the lives of others even though we are somewhere completely different physically and conceptially.

Parallels is a four song EP. This is the second album written that crosses genres while still woven together. Inspiration for this album is derived from personal experiences, stories, and a wild imagination. There is no collector's edition for Parallels.



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